We are a worldwide fellowship of Orthodox Anglican Provinces and Dioceses within the Anglican Communion which originated with 25 Provinces, 11 of which are full covenanted members. There are also 3 Associate Provinces/Dioceses and 14 Mission Partner Anglican networks, theological colleges, and mission societies.
Provinces / Dioceses who are Ordinary Members1 of the GSFA
Provinces / Dioceses who have initiated the process of applying for Membership
Provinces / Dioceses who are Associate Members of the GSFA
Mission Partners of the GSFA
Other provinces part of the Global South
Provinces / Dioceses who are Ordinary Members1 of the GSFA
The Episcopal / Anglican Province of Alexandria
Church of Bangladesh
Anglican Church in Brazil
Iglesia Anglicana de Chile (The Anglican Church of Chile)
Province de L'Eglise Anglicane Du Congo (Province of the Anglican Church of Congo)
The Church of the Province of Myanmar (Burma)
The Anglican Church in North America (ACNA)
Church of the Province of South East Asia
Province of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan
Province of the Episcopal Church of Sudan
The Church of the Province of Uganda
Provinces / Dioceses who have initiated the process of applying for Membership
The Church of the Province of the Indian Ocean
Provinces / Dioceses who are Associate Members of the GSFA
Church of Confessing Anglicans New Zealand
Diocese of the Southern Cross
Anglican Network in Europe (ANiE)
Mission Partners of the GSFA
American Anglican Council
Anglican Frontier Missions
Anglican Global Mission Partners
Anglican Missions Africa
Church of England Evangelical Council (CEEC)
CMS Australia
E412 Ministries
Evangelical Fellowship in the Anglican Communion (EFAC)
New Wineskins Missionary Network
Society of Anglican Missionaries and Senders (SAMS USA)
Sharing of Ministries Abroad (SOMA)
The Relay Trust
Trinity Anglican Seminary
Uganda Christian University
Other provinces part of the Global South
The Anglican Church of Burundi
The Church of the Province of Central Africa
The Anglican Church of Kenya
The Anglican Church of Melanesia
The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion)
The Church of Pakistan (United)
The Anglican Church of Papua New Guinea
Eglise Anglicane du Rwanda (The Anglican Church of Rwanda)
The Anglican Church of South America
The Anglican Church of Southern Africa
Diocese of Sydney
The Anglican Church of Tanzania
The Church of the Province of West Africa
1. Ordinary Membership of GSFA requires assent to the GSFA Covenantal Structure (Cairo, 2019) by the Primate & Provincial Standing Committee or if the application is by a diocese, by the Diocesan Bishop and Diocesan Standing Committee with the knowledge of the respective Primate.