Who is eligible?
A duly constituted province, regional church or diocese (recognised by the Anglican Communion ACC schedule C or by GSFA Primates Council Steering Committee.
What is required at application
• Assent to all 3 sections of the covenantal structure (Form A).
• Where the applicant is a Diocese, proof that the provincial archbishop and standing committee has been duly informed.
Benefits and Duties
• Full communion with each other
• Eligible to serve as Officers of the Assembly & Members of the Board
• Appropriate representation at the Assembly
Who is eligible?
• Duly Constituted provinces or dioceses not officially recognised by the anglican communion or who feel they are not ready for participation as ordinary members.
• Networks of churches in a duly constituted diocese.
What is required at application
• Assent to all 3 sections of the covenantal structure (Form C).
• Where applicant is a network of Anglican churches, proof that the Diocesan Bishop has been duly informed.
Benefits and Duties
• Full partnership in mission & ministry
• Appropriate representation at GSFA Assembly
• Limited eligibility for office & vote
• To be provided guidance, encouragement, & support towards 'Ordinary Membership'
Who is eligible?
Non-ecclesial anglican bodies such as mission societies, theological schools, training centres, or other anglican organisations.
What is required at application
• Assent to sections 1 & 2
• Application Form D
Benefits and Duties
• Assent to sections 1 & 2
• Application Form D
Section 1: Doctrinal Foundation (Fundamental Declarations)
Section 2: Relational Commitments (Mission & Ministry)
Section 3: Conciliar Structure (for Mutual Accountability in Guarding the Faith Once Delivered)