Anglican Global South First Assembly: Communique Issued

The First Assembly of the Global South Fellowship of Anglican Churches (GSFA) meeting near Cairo and hosted by the Anglican Province of Alexandria closed on Saturday 15th June. Keenly aware of the division caused by those Provinces of the Communion which have departed from the historic faith, the Assembly has taken an historic step forward to strengthen faithful Anglican unity and witness.

In their Communique, the GSFA Primates say that,

‘With the joyful implementation of the Covenantal Structure, the GSFA offers a robust instrument to enable orthodox Anglicans to fulfil their historic vocation in a rapidly changing Communion. We have experienced the joy of diversity within the unity that the Holy Spirit gives us as we humbly receive the holy Scriptures as God’s written Word (Eph 4:1-7) and ‘…we are determined to free our beloved Communion to take the gospel to the ends of the earth, to build one another up in our faith and to foster true unity.’

The Assembly has also committed to reactivate the GSFA’s three strategic ministry tracks, covering Missions Partnership, Economic Empowerment and Training & Leadership Formation, to enable member Provinces to take practical steps to grow together in missionary endeavour, mutual care, and the nurture of godly leaders at every level of ministry.

In terms of re-setting the Communion on its biblical roots, the Assembly re-affirmed its commitment to pursue collaborating with all orthodox groupings to pursue this in accordance with its Ash Wednesday Statement (20 February 2023).


For further information, please contact:

Archbishop Titus Chung, Hon. Secretary, GSFA:

Editor’s Notes:

All Press Releases and Statements of the GSFA during the Assembly will be posted at

The Global South Fellowship of Anglican Churches (GSFA) is a worldwide fellowship of Orthodox Anglican Provinces and Dioceses within the Anglican Communion which originated with 25 Provinces, 11 of which are full covenanted members. There are also 3 Associate Provinces/Dioceses and 14 Mission Partner Anglican networks, theological colleges, and mission societies

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